MA 4 Fair Elections team members create and support subcommittees to address members’ special areas of interest. Below are snapshots of our current subcommittees.
Non-Citizen Registrants. Both Federal and State laws dictate that only US Citizens be granted the right to vote in our Federal elections. This team is striving to assure those laws are dutifully followed by researching the processes whereby people are added to voter rolls and the steps being taken to assure they are qualified voters.​
United Sovereign Americans. Many team members have are also volunteers for United Sovereign Americans (unite4freedom.com), an organization dedicated to assuring future elections are conducted according to ‘black letter law’ – the existing Federal and state laws governing our election process. This team has completed analysis of voter rolls and voter activity in the 2022 election and is currently delivering Resolutions for a Valid 2024 General Election to cities and towns across the state.
Hand Counting Ballots. Several of our team members have been trained in Cause of America’s process for hand counting paper ballots to determine election results. MA 4 Fair Elections believes this easy and transparent process is the best way to assure certifiable elections.
Prayer Group. Many of our team members believe in the power of prayer and are grateful to those among us who take time prior to our meetings to gather and pray for guidance, wisdom, inspiration, and protection for all members of our community.
Certification Accountability. This team is researching and examining the laws relevant to the proper certification of elections. One goal of this subcommittee is to alert clerks and registrars of the laws pertaining to their role as election officials.